紐西蘭水產品被評為環保蛋白質等級紐西蘭糧食生產之環境成本(The Environmental Cost of New Zealand Food Production)報導,紐西蘭水產品被評為環保蛋白質等級。該報導指出捕撈野生水產品對環境的衝擊遠低於其他生產動物蛋白質的濾心方式;在檢視並比較過所有紐西蘭漁業、酪農業、肉品業的農場出入口或碼頭等環境後,發現野生漁業明顯對環境衝擊最小;儘管所有生產動物蛋白質的方式對環境皆有一定的衝擊,但利用海洋生產的衝擊明顯較陸地少,更不會造成永久性的改變酒店打工。海洋生態並不會像陸地生態的改變如此劇烈;海洋生態恢復為可生產的狀態遠較森林生態變可耕作的時間短。野生漁業生產水產品亦無須使用淡水、肥料、殺蟲劑或抗生素。欲索取更多相關資料可上辦公室出租網站下載。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 3/2012,15 Feb.y 2012) NEW ZEALAND SEAFOOD RATED AS THE ‘GREEN PROTEIN’ New Zealand seafood is rated as the ‘green protein’當鋪 a report on the environmental cost of New Zealand food production has found. The Environmental Cost of New Zealand Food Production measures the environmental impacts of harvesting wild fisheries with results 酒店工作showing fewer impacts than the production of alternative forms of animal protein. According to the author, the report looks at all the studies on the environmental impacts of New Zealand fish, dairy and meat G2000production to either the farm gate or the dock and the results are apparent that wild fisheries simply do not impact the environment in many ways. The author also reports that although all animal protein production 機車借款has environmental impacts any changes from harvesting the marine environment are significantly less than those on land, and the changes are not permanent. Marine ecosystems have not been modified anywhere near the 永慶房屋same extent as those on land. The potential recovery time of marine ecosystems to their pre-harvested state is far less than the recovery time for forest ecosystems converted to agriculture. In harvesting seafood 酒店打工there is no significant use of fresh water, fertiliser, pesticides or antibiotics. The report can be downloaded at

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